Friday, May 7, 2010

Fox River Bike Trail

1  The dam at North Aurora.  The current was pretty swift today; canoeists might set a record.  However,   it will be slower in a month when it is time for the canoe race.  Dave and the boys  used to enter the race.  Juanito used to scoot under the trees at the portages and give them fresh  water.  There are many hilarious memories....Bat Shirt and his  buddy floating  rather than paddling.....and the poor young couple whose canoe capsized  right at the starting dock  in Elgin. 

2  Windmill at Batavia.  Many windmills were made in Batavia to service the Westward Movement
3  Looking northward  toward Geneva, IL.  How about this?  A lighthouse on the Fox River !
4  Large windmill near Geneva, IL on  Fabyan Forest Preserve.   I think it is on the National Register of Historic Places
5  Small bridge at Mill Race Inn.
6  Dave  looking across the river at Geneva, IL  The building  is a former mill  that  has been converted into a hotel.
7  Dave at entrance to the estate of Colonel Fabyan, Batavia, IL
8  Mother Goose and goslings.  Dave counted 18.
9  The Illinois answer to "wildflower" blossoms.
10  "Peak"  of  wildflower bloom.
11 A view of the path itself.  The path  is a very long one. On May 6, we did only a 13 mile round trip segment.


  1. Ha Ha Ha ! I remember "bat shirt" what a scream...oh, the great times we had racing Steve's home made canoe!
